The Shore Porters' Society w Aberdeen

Zjednoczone KrólestwoThe Shore Porters' Society



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1, Baltic Place, AB11 5EW, Aberdeen, Aberdeen City, GB Vereinigtes Königreich
kontakt telefon: +44 1224 569569
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 57.1472012, Longitude: -2.0835762

komentarze 5

  • Hazel Paterson

    Hazel Paterson


    Just received our shipment from Scotland to the UAE and couldn’t be more delighted! Everything has arrived in absolutely perfect condition and efficiently too. We received excellent communication throughout the whole process from the very helpful team at Shoreporters. Boxes and wrapping is extremely sturdy too. The delivery was organised and fast and the men even offered to unload and set up our items for us! So happy with the service received from shoreporters and would definitely recommend them if you are moving abroad or have items to shop abroad. They really took care of our belongings and kept us informed along the way! Thank you very much, will use them again!!

  • Sabeeka Zehra

    Sabeeka Zehra


    Really disappointed to use them as they have not only mishandled my items resulting in several breakages but 2 of my new expensive shoe pairs are stolen. I am in a loss of £1000 atleast altogether. My garden swing is broken, my cutlery is broken, my makeup is all damaged, one in each 6 pair of shoes are missing and 2 are stolen! They did not even touch the bathroom during packaging. Never seen such a worse customer service ever!

  • en

    Ken ny


    Shories moved me recently and the service from all levels of staff was brilliant and the lads doing the move were very entertaining and professional which really eased the stress on moving. I highly recommend them and have used them many times over the years.

  • Allison Martini

    Allison Martini


    I used them for an international move. For professional movers I give them an F, breakable, irreplaceable items arrived smashed and unless you individually itemize your items don't expect to get any insurance compensation. They also lost 2 boxes and made no effort to try and locate them. It seems people don't want to do their job anymore. Once they were paid they no longer replied to e-mail, yes you know who you are. Shame on you. Totally unrecommended!!

  • en

    Gerard Western


    We have used Shore Porters from complete house moves to collecting eBay items from full length of UK. Nothing has been too much trouble and prices are keen

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