Topps Tiles Millbrook i Southampton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeTopps Tiles Millbrook



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Millbrook Trading Est, Third Avenue, Southampton SO15 0LE, UK
kontakter telefon: +44 23 8070 4861
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Latitude: 50.9148196, Longitude: -1.4536522

kommentar 5

  • en

    John Corderoy


    Dreadful customer service in store - by any standards! Highly unreliable; delivery promises not met - over a week late. And the icing on the cake was that they delivered broken boxes and a mixed batch (having stressed to us the importance of making sure the tiles were all of the same batch)!!! Finally, the last insult was when the tiler opened one box to find the tiles had previously been used (ie had tile cement on the contact side)....

  • en

    Andrea Thomas


    Only place we go for tiles now. I've been in there countless times while we were redoing our kitchen and patio and they are always incredibly helpful with tons of patience. Prices are good and tile selection is brilliant.

  • en

    Jessica Henriques


    Went in to pick out some tiles for our new home and encountered a guy named Karl who was rude and had a 'can't be bothered' attitude. On occassions he was ignorant and we felt like we were being pushed out of the door. Not a great service at all and a poor experience.

  • en

    Wendy Jordan


    Really helpful, Darren had endless patience helping me pick tile combinations.

  • Benedict Winchester

    Benedict Winchester


    Helpful staff and had what we needed (grout sealer)

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