Trim Decorating i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeTrim Decorating



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75, Shelton Street, WC2H 9QW, London, Greater London, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 20 3151 2351
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Latitude: 51.5149092, Longitude: -0.1235958

kommentar 5

  • Elvira Tynan

    Elvira Tynan


    Working with Graeme, David and the team is a pleasure. The teams' painting skills and attention to detail are second to none. They're a pleasure to have in the house, 100% trustworthy, very friendly and they clean up at the end of the day! David, the head painter is just fantastic - he listens to the client, consistently delivers over and above on expectations and also happens to be amazing with kids which is a real plus for families! Yes they are pricey compared to other painters but they are 100% worth it.

  • en

    Krystal Nash


    Trim are great every time, such a pleasing way to complete a project - slick and considerate, working out of hour away from customers. Very professional and in my opinion the best all round decorating experience, from initial comprehension of scope right through to delivery. Advice is unbiased, straightforward and honest. The finish is superb! Graeme is great but so are David and the rest of the team. I’d happily recommend to anyone. Krystal

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    Luke Streatfeild


    We wholeheartedly recommend Trim. Their service is exceptional, friendly, responsive and constructive, and the quality of their work is excellent (and reasonably priced). We now use them for all our commercial and domestic paint jobs and very much enjoy working with them.

  • en

    Matthew Bushnell


    Couldn't recommend Graeme and his team more. A really smooth project with a great finish. Clear and efficient communication was a dream from the start to finish. We got exactly what we expected and the price we were quoted. Super friendly teams working on site and very clean. Thanks.

  • en

    Katya Davies


    We have worked with Trim on four commercial projects over the last five years – the last one being an absolute whooper, and where they really were the saving grace in bringing the project together in the final hour. Working with them is a pleasure from beginning to end. The team has a real understanding of the constraints and pressures of a commercial project, and as a result of their effort we opened on time. This really sums up how I feel about working with Trim — they are painstaking in their efforts to assist their clients. I wouldn’t work with anyone else.”

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