TUI Holiday Store i Blackpool

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeTUI Holiday Store



🕗 åbningstider

9, Birley Street, FY1 1EG, Blackpool, Blackpool, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 1253 294923
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.8180969, Longitude: -3.0532774

kommentar 3

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    Paul Vargerson


    No complaints about the frontline staff who are as helpful as they are allowed to be, the staff are hampered by a dictator and bully of a manager, who needs a training course on basic manners and good customer service. Dismissal of the manager would be a huge step forward and allow the staff to give good customer service. Only 1 star thanks to the current manager's disgusting attitude towards paying customers. It would be 0 stars if allowed to put 0 in review.

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    Louise Turner


    Even though the agent that dealt with us was not well, she still gave us top quality service. This is the first holiday that I have booked with this company and now it definitely will not be the last. Super efficient and super friendly. All there is to do now is look forward to my honeymoon.

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    Mr Bag


    Apparently opening hours of 9-5.30pm as outlined online doesn't' apply to one random day of each week which is allocated staff training. By training it seems to be staff arriving well after 9am and chatting on the phone. Didn't seem to be doing any training. Terrible.

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