Universidad de Strathclyde i Glasgow

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeUniversidad de Strathclyde


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16, Richmond Street, G1 1XQ, Glasgow, Glasgow City, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 141 552 4400
internet side: www.strath.ac.uk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 55.8628285, Longitude: -4.2428535

kommentar 5

  • Arancha Zarandieta

    Arancha Zarandieta


    This university completely sucks. They think they’re the best and they’re not even among the top ones!!! I strongly do not recommend you to apply to this university since there are better options!

  • Gary Howard

    Gary Howard


    What an amazing place. spread over large areas of the city this university is like something from the land that time forgot. It really needs a makeover but is probably listed status, the labs are brilliant though, well laid out and stocked with everything you need. The staff are fab, they really are. Just a pity that there is no parking so you have to use the NCP next door.

  • Afjalur Rahman

    Afjalur Rahman


    Founded in 1796 and , University of Strathclyde is a Scottish Public Research University located in Glasgow city of United Kingdom. It is recognised as First UK Technological University by Royal Charter. With almost 22,000 students and 3,200 administrative and academic staffs it offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in Engineering, Business, Humanities and Science.

  • en

    ubbaid hussain


    One of the best places to equip yourself with knowledge and Co-existence. Set on the bank side of river Clyde, place is filled with incredibly talented people. Glasgow has the warmest and most welcoming people. Kudos

  • Dean Shelmire

    Dean Shelmire


    Spent my days learning more than I could imagine here...great times

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