V & P Fox Master Locksmiths i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeV & P Fox Master Locksmiths



🕗 åbningstider

91A, Saint Martin's Lane, WC2N 4AP, London, Greater London, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7836 2902
internet side: www.vpfoxlocksmiths.co.uk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.5108419, Longitude: -0.1272042

kommentar 5

  • en

    Essex County Gas


    Brilliant service and polite. Had a new lock fitted, clean and tidy and happy to help. New lock is smooth and I have nothing but positive feedback. Well done and thank you.

  • en

    Jung-hoon Seo


    Had several copies of a key made. Had to come back to adjust after a few issues with some of the keys not always working smoothly which they did straight away with no extra cost. Fast and polite service.

  • Janice Chen

    Janice Chen


    It only took me 2 mins to copy my keys(including fob), got a cute key ring as well. Amazing staff, brilliant service!

  • Igor Clark

    Igor Clark


    Friendly and reliably high quality. I've had keys cut here a few times over the years and they always get it right. Many other places make copies which just don't work, and then say it's the source keys' fault; not so with Fox. Yesterday they cut several keys for me and every single one was perfect first time. Good price, too. Highly recommended.

  • en

    Kasper van Deutekom


    Brilliant service! Fast and helpful!

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