Victoria Hotel i Canterbury

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeVictoria Hotel


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59, London Road, CT2 8JY, Canterbury, Kent, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1227 459333
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.2818407, Longitude: 1.0630932

kommentar 5

  • en

    Valerie Russell


    Excellent - accommodation, bar and restaurant brilliant. Would recommend this hotel highly.

  • Stephen Breeds

    Stephen Breeds


    A good range of food but their speciality is a roast. We have been here for Sunday lunch on a number of occasions and have enjoyed it every time.

  • en

    Chris Lombard


    Lovely hotel with very comfy beds and a great atmosphere, especially in the restaurant which serves delicious food. Also, when I came for a second stay I found that the TVs had been amended and contained all channels rather than missing loads of key ones like the year before. The only problem with the room I stayed in was the bathroom door which stands out as dingy and also doesn't shut or lock properly.

  • en

    Janice Medland


    Very welcoming and friendly staff and check in experience. The rooms were a generous size with a large bathroom and updated decor. There is ample parking space at the rear of the hotel, but the walk to the city centre is only fifteen minutes. The food in the restaurant is also very good, especially the Sunday carvery!

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    Helen McAneney


    This is by far the best carvery i have been to. The meats are lovely, lean and moist.. roast spuds lovely & crispy.. nice choice of fresh veg.. & real rich beef gravy. They also do yummy seasoned new spuds with a bit of a kick. The staff are always friendly & attentive.. but never hovering. There is a lounge/bar area with comfy sofas & chairs if you want a drink before or after your meal.

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