Vudu Lounge i York

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeVudu Lounge



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39, Swinegate, YO1 8AZ, York, York, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 1904 627627
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Latitude: 53.9600716, Longitude: -1.0815448

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ian Dewar


    Good selection of great cocktails, two for one on all cocktails and friendly staff.

  • Natasha Marshall

    Natasha Marshall


    Walked in about 7pm so not late at night on a Saturday, a nice looking bar area with stools and small modern booths, but couldn’t believe I kept sticking to the floor, it’s as if nobody has ever cleaned the floor. Went to the ladies, even worse... what a disgrace.. floors filthy, toilets blocked, locks on doors didn’t work... my mind is if the basics are filthy what’s the glasses you drink from like? Cocktails were 2 for 1, we only stayed for the one...

  • Leano Kaponas

    Leano Kaponas


    Wow what a night , fantastic atmosphere surrounded by great people and very friendly and welcoming staff ! Vudu Lounge is always our last destination because we like to end the night on a high. The cocktails are amazing (if you like that kind of thing ) and the choice of beers and spirits is out of this world ! Dj Erika was spinning the decks on the night we were there and she had the dance floor jumping !! If you are looking for banging tunes in a stylish bar surrounded by great people then you have ARRIVED! Thank you to all the team at Vudu and see you again real soon !! 😎

  • Ryan Roodt

    Ryan Roodt


    York is not known for its "clubbing" scene but gems like Vudu Lounge make up for it. Great venue with great music and a classy VIP section. It's not cheap to drink, but where is cheap to drink in the centre of York?

  • James Hogg

    James Hogg


    Great venue for private parties, with a very well stocked bar, and friendly staff. When open to the public the bar can become very busy. Other than this, the prices are reasonable.

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