Vue i Edinburgh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeVue



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Ocean Drive, Edinburgh EH6 6JJ, Vereinigtes Königreich
kontakter telefon: +44 345 308 4620
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Latitude: 55.9806936, Longitude: -3.1777806

kommentar 5

  • Kenny Go hard

    Kenny Go hard


    Reclining leather seats as standard. Doesn't get any better!

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    Steve Kendrick


    Just been to see All The Money in the World in Screen 9. Two things spoiled the experience. First the Way Out sign at the side is the brightest I've ever seen in a cinema. Like a wee searchlight in the auditorium. Very distracting. Could be a lit a good deal less brightly and still do its job. Second I'm sure Ridley Scott did not shoot the movie as dark as it was projected here. Even outdoor scenes in Italian sunshine were quite gloomy. Internal scenes you often could hardly see the actors faces. Perhaps the projection needs checking. Both these easily fixable problems detracted a good deal from the enjoyment of the film. One very good feature - excellent central position for wheelchair users. Faults were a shame because Ocean Terminal used to be one of my favourite places to see movies in Edinburgh. Not any more. Steve Kendrick

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    David J. Wood


    Went today to see The Last Jedi. Film was fine, but a pity about the long period of distraction from the family who made a fair amount of noise with their crisp packets and crisp crunching. They hadn't really thought about the effect on others in the studio.

  • Victoria Tyndall

    Victoria Tyndall


    Good selection of films and good show times. Refreshments are horrendously overpriced for what you actually get - top tip is to book first and pickup at the self-service kiosk, thus avoiding any human interaction or being oversold popcorn. The Mark Strong voiceover before every movie goes on rather a lot and there aren't usually enough trailers - just loads of daft car adverts and other adverts for things you'd never afford/buy in the first place, followed by an extremely LONG advert FOR THE CINEMA which is stupid because you're IN THE CINEMA. If looking for an authentic cinema experience - go elsewhere are there are plenty of independent cinemas in Edinburgh. Totally fine for a jaunt to catch the latest major release however - not usually packed out (unlike ther other Vues in Edinburgh) and shops nearby are decent.

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    Kelly McLellan


    Screens 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 now have leather recliner chairs throughout (plus screen 12 soon and the refurb of 1, 2, and 3 will start soon). Very comfy. Try not to fall asleep though! They have really good 4k projectors that ensure a high quality picture even when the film isn't in 4k. Although some have dead pixels (such as screen 8) which is very very distracting to me. I love this Vue. It used to be the best place in Edinburgh for quality and price but now you pay more for that quality and it isn't always worth it but if they install recliners in all their screens then they will be absolutely amazing.

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