Whin Park i Inverness

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Det Forenede KongerigeWhin Park



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Bught Road, IV3 5TH, Inverness, Highland, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1463 234286
internet side: www.whinparkinverness.co.uk
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Latitude: 57.4605439, Longitude: -4.2396022

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sonya Robertson


    Great day for wee one's to feed ducks at the park. Shame the boat rides was closed. Lots of activities for 2 year old.

  • en

    Boyd Crombie


    Fantastic day out with the grandchildren the park has loads to offer from young kids to the older. Also has the miniature steam railway and after 23 years of being in the Highlands it was the first I had been on it with my grandson great great. Just a splendid day out with the kids.

  • Clare Gray

    Clare Gray


    Great park, even a wee shop for coffee, sweets or ice-cream. Boats weren't on which is why I rate 4 instead of 5. Lovely though. Kids loved it.

  • en

    jay clark


    Great place to take the kids and events on at Christmas Halloween etc. Lovely big park with large pond that rents boats and you can relax and row around the little islands in middle. Little shop that sells everything you could want snack wise for the kids and cups of coffee and tea. Rest rooms are on property and good sized car park. Beautiful walks and great things for kids to play on. Be ready to stay for few hours as kids will love it and take some cash for the cutest mini train that whistles round park. Highly recommend for whole family and skater/BMX park just along road if you have older kids along with crazy golf with another little cafe on premises. Just a lovely part of Inverness to take kids and adults alike. Beautiful walks around the islands opposite crazy golf. Highly recommend.

  • en

    Kevin Macleod


    A wonderful place to spend the day with the kids. Plenty to do including taking a boat out in the pond. There is a wide variety of things to do. There is a train ride in the park, and some lovely refreshing walks which can lead you to the island. Highly recommend!

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