William Morris Gallery i London

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Det Forenede KongerigeWilliam Morris Gallery



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Forest Road, E17 4PP, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 8496 4390
internet side: www.wmgallery.org.uk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.5912463, Longitude: -0.0202131

kommentar 5

  • Graham Aley

    Graham Aley


    Fascinating museum detailing the history of William Morris and his textile designs situated in his childhood home. Also Good for children as they have a few interactive features and videos that guide you through manufacturing processes. Don't miss the cafe.

  • en

    Anisa K


    This is my childhood museum that i came to. Now i take my kids here. A place to visit. There is a childrens area. There are workshops for kids during the half term. Staff are lovely a small gift shop. A lovely museum.

  • Sue Daniel

    Sue Daniel


    Lovely building, interesting displays. Also a cafe indoors, and one outdoors at the back of the extensive garden, lovely to walk through. Easy access via the 123 bus to Walthamstow for those who don't drive .

  • Jeremy Norton

    Jeremy Norton


    Delightful yet modern museum. A perfect potted history of the Arts and Crafts design movement and the life of William and May Morris. Great little shop, lovely tea room. Recommended, though international visitors are catered for in the same way as the big museums.

  • en

    Jackie Dodds


    Great place to visit. Beautiful building and gardens. I visited the museum today with a friend. We were met by a lively volunteer who told us a bit about William Morris and the best way to go around the museum. It starts with Morris's early life and tell you the history of how he got into design. There are beautiful patterns to see from the drawings, to the tools and dyes they used, to the end product. There are children's areas set up including, dressing up, puppets, weaving etc. There is a lift. There is a small cafe and shop too. The grounds are beautiful there is a lake with a small waterfall, tennis courts, children's playground and another cafe. It is well worth a visit.

nærmeste Museum

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