Amala Spa and Club i Birmingham

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeAmala Spa and Club



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Hyatt Regency Birmingham, 2 Bridge Street, Birmingham B1 2JZ, UK
kontakter telefon: +44 121 632 1690
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Latitude: 52.478214, Longitude: -1.909352

kommentar 5

  • ko

    Woosu Choi


    7개월전이라 가봤는지 모르겠네요

  • King Joffrey

    King Joffrey


    Spa needs a serious facelift, outdated pool and jacuzzi, facilities are old and tired not worth the price. Would not recommend.

  • en



    Booked a massage for my husband and me for his 40th birthday on his actual birthday as one of a couple surprises. I spoke to someone the week before and double checked that it is going to be ok for both of us to have a treatment at at the same time which was no problem. Before leaving on his birthday morning I called the spa to triple check it's all still going to be ok to find out that they only had one person booked in and cannot possibly accommodate 2 as had someone lease booked in I believe. Totally unprofessional and spoilt his surprise as I had to tell him that I can only drive and leave him there and then pick up. We hardly get a day off together and it totally ruined the experience. I chose Amala as thought they would have been super professional since they are based in one of the best hotels in Birmingham. And they managed to mess it all up. Had some money off the treatment and apology but for such an important day it didn't matter. I'd much rather pay more and get great experience on such an important day.

  • Justina Povilaityte

    Justina Povilaityte


  • Helen Rafie

    Helen Rafie


    So disrespectful! I don't recommend this spa.

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