Hotel du Vin & Bistro Birmingham i Birmingham

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Det Forenede KongerigeHotel du Vin & Bistro Birmingham



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25, Church Street, B3 2NR, Birmingham, West Midlands, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 121 794 3005
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Latitude: 52.4822649, Longitude: -1.9000527

kommentar 5

  • David Clarke

    David Clarke


    I cannot believe how excellent the quality of the food, service and surroundings are, given the price. Enter to English 19th Century oak decor. Spacious, bright and accommodated by friendly staff. The 3 course menu has vegetarian, seafood and meat options. I went for brighter seafood option; there was an equanimity to the quality of the service thanks to the European staff. The presentation of each dish was thoughtful and wrought. The selection of paired crackers and cheeses to finish brought a smile to my face. Some of the highest quality French cuisine I’ve had the honour to sample in Birmingham.

  • en

    Naomi Pitters


    Visited here to have afternoon tea on mothers day. The bar area is very nice which is where we waited until we were seated at our table. The room we had tea in was very bare decor wise, dark and gloomy. The ambiance overall was poor. The tables were very old and needed covering with table clothes. It reminded me of a meeting room and whilst we were still eating some of the employees were moving tables and chairs about. I felt uncomfortable as there was a draft. I think the room isn't suitable for eating in.

  • Dan Dexter

    Dan Dexter


    Lovely hotel. Stayed in one the suites and the room was huge with a fantastic bathhroom. Nice, friendly staff. Really liked the cocktail bar too. Breakfast was great with nice range of cooked breakfast along with all the usual. Location wise it's five minutes from the centre and about 10 minutes walk from New Street station.

  • Craig Taylor

    Craig Taylor


    Excellent city centre location near in-between the cathedral and Snow Hill train station. Room was very good and staff were friendly. Limited parking outside available. Only negatives I can think of is that the lighting is quite low and for a high end hotel there was no swimming pool. For a special occasion I would recommend this hotel.

  • en

    Letty Yeung


    Went for the spa and dinner at the bistro. Everyone was amazingly polite and helpful. The spa is downstairs and very dark but that's the point I guess. Spa had sauna and steam room, no jacuzzi or pool though which was disappointing. Had treatments four a back, shoulder and neck massage, as well as a head and scalp massage. Very professional. Bistro was lovely, starters were great and service fantastic. Mains weren't as good but still good

nærmeste Spa

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