Ardross Glencairn i Inverness

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeArdross Glencairn



🕗 åbningstider

19, Ardross Street, IV3 5NS, Inverness, Highland, GB Wielka Brytania
kontakter telefon: +44 1463 232965
internet side:
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Latitude: 57.4745341, Longitude: -4.2325879

kommentar 5

  • Richard Aguiar

    Richard Aguiar


    The hotel is lovely. Rooms were really clean and cosy and the staff was beyond nice and friendly

  • Vish Smiles

    Vish Smiles


    Wonderful location - walkable to railway and bus stations & river Ness. lovely staff and nice cosy rooms. Medicines can be a bit of a struggle at nights though as less shops around for such emergency.

  • Craig Kirk

    Craig Kirk


    Very friendly and well presented. Clean and central to the town centre. Thumbs up

  • Gezuz Kryst

    Gezuz Kryst


    Cheap and cheerful. Nice wee place. My second stay here and will no doubt use it again.

  • Douglas Nixon

    Douglas Nixon


    Very clean well kept rooms, comfortable and stylish. Staff very friendly and welcoming. Good location, only across the bridge to the main city centre. Only downsides are the thin walls, can hear other guests and slamming doors. But this is only an issue if you have noisy neighbors. TV's could be a little bigger but they get the job done. Over all a great little guest house. Would stay again.

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