Beaufort Hotel i Inverness

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeBeaufort Hotel



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11, Culduthel Road, IV2 4AG, Inverness, Highland, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 1463 222897
internet side:
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Latitude: 57.472689, Longitude: -4.2234898

kommentar 5

  • en

    graham macleod


    Excellent place to stay.very clean. Food made to order and fresh.staff very friendly.very close to city centre

  • Emma Forbes

    Emma Forbes


    Booked a table at the restaurant. Prompt service and delicious food. A favourite of mine.

  • James Laskowski

    James Laskowski


    Fantastic place to stay in Inverness. The staff was incredibly friendly and helpful. Room was very cozy and location was easily accessible with a short walk from anywhere in town.

  • Christa LeGrande

    Christa LeGrande


    We stayed at the Beaufort for a couple of nights while exploring in and around Inverness. Everyone was warm and welcoming, and gave great recommendations for pubs to see live music in town. We are SO glad we stayed here for the location alone - it's a five minute walk to get into the downtown area so plan for that, but it's SO quiet up the hill and you can't hear the bumping clubs and pubs into the night. Parking was very easy, and our room was spacious and clean. The bathroom was also huge, with a big shower and Jacuzzi tub. Sure, some updates might need to happen soon, but overall nothing hindered our stay. The breakfast was an average price of 10 pounds per person, and we opted out of that and went to a local bakery for pastys and coffee instead. Thanks to the Beaufort for making our stay great!!

  • Tanya Brown

    Tanya Brown


    The hotel is about a ten minute walk from the train station and shops which was handy. The hotel looked lively from the outside and the staff were friendly. We stayed in a twin room which was very basic, just beds and a desk with no mirror but it was clean enough and warm. The bathroom was really nice and clean too and the shower was spacious and modern looking. The only downside of the room was that our window was above the ventilation system and it was quite noisy and not very nice to look at. Overall I had a good stay here.

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