Clayton Hotel Leeds i Leeds

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Det Forenede KongerigeClayton Hotel Leeds



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Sweet Street, LS11 9AT, Leeds, West Yorkshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 113 234 2340
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Latitude: 53.788514, Longitude: -1.546776

kommentar 5

  • en



    I stayed at The Clayton Hotel in Leeds this weekend with 2 friends from work. It is the best hotel I've stayed in by far. Extremely clean, comfy beds, peaceful nights sleep and first class breakfast down to even warm fresh bread and detox water!! The location is great too. Fabulous! Will definitely stay hee a lot more in the future.

  • en

    Andrew Meredith


    My girlfriend and I had a top notch stay here from start to finish. The room was large and comfortable and l the bathroom was clean with an excellent shower. The selection and quality of the breakfast was also excellent and we felt that the room rate was decent after taking advantage of the discount for a two night stay. On our late return each evening it was also gratifying to be met by security who were only permitting paying guests into even the public areas of the hotel. The only gripe would be paying £25 for use of the carpark from Friday night until Sunday lunchtime which seemed excessive and the rate could have been more clearly advertised in advance.

  • Matthew Turner

    Matthew Turner


    Having stayed at the Clayton Hotel a few times, we decided to take advantage of the online booking £10 discount. The room was clean,however the discount was reflected in the overall presentation of the room. The bed was sub standard not very comfortable. The room was cold the radiator wouldn't get warm at all. Overall the room and experience was 5/10 compared to 9/10 for the previous visits to this hotel. The staff were fantastic as usual on this visit. In the future I will be booking without the online discount for the more comfortable room.

  • Isaac McDonald

    Isaac McDonald


    The rooms are spacious, clean and well appointed. Trouser presses are standard issue as is a kettle. Shower was good and the bed was top draw. I go here when I want a boozy night in Leeds, great value. Friendly staff!

  • en

    Mo Jones


    Lovely hotel and extremely friendly staff who went out of their way to make our stay very pleasurable. Room was clean and well stocked with toiletries and tea/ coffee facilities. Breakfast was fantastic with so much choice. A big thank you to Georgia Murphy F&B manager, who was welcoming, attentive and a true professional.

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