East Midlands Guesthouse i Derby

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeEast Midlands Guesthouse


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100A, Douglas Street, DE23 8LJ, Derby, Derby, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1332 233192
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Latitude: 52.9095885, Longitude: -1.4658611

kommentar 5

  • en

    Chris Allen


    This establishment is a well maintained, clean and affordable for if you just need somewhere to sleep for the night. Friendly helpful staff are more than willing to help you i booked an incorrect date and they were more than happy to adjust this for me at no extra charge! Recommended highly for getting the basics right.

  • Tony Uffot

    Tony Uffot


    Rubbish. Totally and absolutely...such can only be permitted in the UK. More an abandoned edifice.

  • carol nicholson

    carol nicholson


    Stayed overnight found the guest house very clean .nice room manager very hospitable would definitely stay here again

  • en

    Helena Pereira


    Good for the price, very clean. Can walk from train station, not far from Intu and the other shops. Manager was kind to mend a mistake made by me at the time of booking ... I will use it again if I need a place to stay in Derby, in the future ...

  • Liam Kennedy

    Liam Kennedy


    Cheap and cheerful digs ideal for contractors. Only saw a staff member once while I was there but quite pleasant and friendly. Rooms are clean and tidy with a comfortable bed so no issues there. I was in room 12 and the toilet was was right next door and the only issue there was that the hinges need a good dollop of oil on them.

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