Elifs Dry Cleaners i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeElifs Dry Cleaners



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21, York Road, SE1 7NJ, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7928 2500
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Latitude: 51.5037599, Longitude: -0.114865

kommentar 5

  • Rose de Vries

    Rose de Vries


    Good tailoring and repairs

  • Decia Xi Zhu

    Decia Xi Zhu


  • Andy Harkin

    Andy Harkin


  • en

    Brigita Moore


    I still wonder how this dry cleaner is in business. I had my doubts once I entered a stingy small shop but gave it a chance. All clothes came back still with marks and not smelling fresh at all! I took my clothes back (2 dresses, pair of pants & a jacket) and showed it to them. They said that they can send it back. I was not willing to waste my time again. I really should have asked for money back but I just said I will spread the word instead so no-one ever uses them again!

  • en

    A Google User


    I've been living throughout Europe, and this is the worst dry cleaner I've ever left my laundry at, but I know that I speak for my colleagues as well. Instead of ironing your shirts this shop "presses" them in a mangle with the result that buttons pulverise and frequently need to be changed. I have also had a shirt returned with a big ripped hole in the upper arm. A colleague of mine had her skirt returned with big, visible holes from where they had nailed it up. Last week when once again I got my shirts returned with broken buttons and complained about it I was insulted and yelled at and told that if the service wasn't satisfactory I could take my clothes somewhere else. To be honest, the only reason I kept leaving my clothes there was due to the shops convenient location just below the office, but I have since sourced a different dry cleaner that doesn't ruin the clothes and that has a good customer service (which one might consider should be the least to ask from any dry cleaner).

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