Millards Office Cleaning Ltd i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeMillards Office Cleaning Ltd



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28 Charing Cross Rd, 3rd Floor, London WC2H 0DB, UK
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7836 1919
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Latitude: 51.510774, Longitude: -0.128307

kommentar 4

  • en

    Judy B


    We have been using Millards since we moved into our offices 18 months ago. They are totally reliable and the staff are always friendly and helpful. We usually have the same cleaner which means that everyone gets to know him. In an emergency they are prepared to do what they can to help out. I would be very happy to recommend them.

  • en

    Alison Chandler


    Millards has supplied our company with a professional and efficient cleaning service since our office move, four months ago. The Millards management team tailored their services to suit our company needs and their staff are prompt, thorough and do a fabulous job maintaining our new office. We are very happy to recommend them to offices searching for a central London cleaning provider. - Advent Solutions Management, Lombard Street

  • Snodland Town FC Sunday Snodland

    Snodland Town FC Sunday Snodland


    Millards did an excelleant Strip and reseal of floor for us. Albert is excellant

  • V&P Fox

    V&P Fox


    Really pleased with the service, would always reccomend to our customers.

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