Elizabeth Street Veterinary Clinic i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeElizabeth Street Veterinary Clinic



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55, Elizabeth Street, SW1W 9PP, London, Greater London, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7730 9102
internet side: www.esvc.co.uk
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Latitude: 51.4934984, Longitude: -0.1509846

kommentar 5

  • isa garcia

    isa garcia


    Very good attention to pets, I called in bank holiday an the veterinary saw my cat in just one hour. Very helpful and professional.

  • en

    sophie g


    Took my extremely poorly dog here and was really disappointed. To pay such a huge amount of money to be seen by a vet who is completely disinterested was a horrible experience. The only saving grace was the lovely Irish nurse, other than that I wouldn’t recommend this vet to anyone!

  • en

    brad sams


    very friendly knowledgeable staff, go out of their way to help. Put the animals first. One of the few true independent practices left.

  • en

    David Oconnell


    Help above and beyond the call of duty by nurse Emily who helped put a very distressed cat into a pet carrier in her own time when we had all but given up hope. Many many thanks.

  • Tess Chambers

    Tess Chambers


    Thank you SO much for the care and attention both Louie and I received last night in the extremely capable hands of Michelle and Emily. How refreshing to find a company in this day and age that care about the animal more than the potential income. As a nurse myself I really appreciate the time taken to give sound advice, and to offer potential alternatives for my dogs care that involved using other services, because it might be more convenient for me. Having contacted Vets Now I felt the corporate approach was not for me. Not to mention they were a good deal more expensive. Thank you you are a credit to the firm.

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