Goddard Veterinary Group Kennington i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeGoddard Veterinary Group Kennington



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351, Kennington Road, SE11 4QE, London, Greater London, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7735 6541
internet side: www.goddardvetgroup.co.uk
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Latitude: 51.4871197, Longitude: -0.1111403

kommentar 5

  • en

    Orenda O'Brien Davis


    We've been with this vet for several years. All has been well. Our pets have only ever needed annual checkups, but we've found the staff friendly and helpful.

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    Amy Jeffery


    Helped me out with a stray cat, took him, cared for him, homed him. They were brilliant.

  • Amy Colleen

    Amy Colleen


    Pretty helpful but also pricey... £80 for appointment and some cream treatment. Suppose all vets are pricey though. Friendly to the pup despite initial barking, felt like they genuinally cared about the pup and not just going though the motions with no feeling. Glad to have got a same day appoinment too, I'll use them again if I need a vet pronto.

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    Michael Waller


    When our cat was recently unwell he had an emergency appointment and admission to Stone Lion hospital in Wimbledon and cannot fault their care and service. We arrived out of hours and were seen immediately. We were constantly kept informed of his progress by the vet, including a daily text to update on how he'd been overnight. The speed of investigations and treatment, and the openness of clinical discussions and options should be the envy of the NHS. Louise (the resident vet) was fantastic throughout and after his admission. He was promptly referred to the RVC for specialist care. His ongoing treatment, provided by Goddard's (Kennington), has continued the highest standard of care and service - they have always accommodated him for an emergency review when again he became unwell, and they kept us informed of his results and progress along the way. We always felt part of the decision making process. Anna (lead vet in Kennington) is fantastic - truly caring and compassionate, and reassuring as a 'patient' to be in the hands of. The nurses at both centres are great - knowledgeable, caring and accommodating. We are very happy to have Goddard's as our local vets and to recommend it to others.

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    Kat Brown


    Goddards have always been a brilliant support to me and my cat. She was diagnosed with a heart condition shortly after I rescued her, and Roger Irish and the staff were kind, helpful as well as incredibly professional. My cat is also a total monster at the vet, and they have been extremely kind in not banning her. I've been a happy customer for three years, and were I not moving, I would stay for many more. I couldn't recommend them highly enough. Everyone from the receptionist onwards is cheerful, highly capable and a pleasure to speak to.

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