Europcar Dundee i Dundee

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeEuropcar Dundee



🕗 åbningstider

45-53, Gellatly Street, DD1 3DY, Dundee, Dundee City, GB Vereinigtes Königreich
kontakter telefon: +44 371 384 3452
internet side:
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Latitude: 56.46204, Longitude: -2.9667297

kommentar 5

  • en

    Billy Gill


    Poor, poor service left my wife stranded and then wouldn’t refund payment for original booking. Stay well away, there are others hire companies who are far better. Lots of negative reviews on Trustpilot etc, I should have done my homework and checked them out before I booked.

  • en

    James Millar


    Yes quite a good car hire company but I got a puncture and had a problem getting it fixed so I had to buy a small compresser so I could keep blowing the tyre up till I got home and took the car up to a tyre repair company and get it fixed the next day.

  • en

    David Peter Bailey


    Customer said used a number of times, had very good service.

  • dzikri hakam

    dzikri hakam


    avoid this scammer. Currently europcar is under investigation of trading standard for falsing and increasing repair cost. I rent the car from europcar dundee on june 2017 and returned the car in the same condition as before. Three weeks later they email me claiming a new damage on the tyre. seven weeks later they claiming an additional damage on the front side front bumper. They are totally scammer, they will claim you damages that already exist. Also they will increase the repair cost until 300 percent. Just google it.

  • en



    Booked a car one day before and got confirmation. Jus half an hour before collecting the car, we received a call that there was no car available. We bought extra car insurance from another company nd now we have no car and paid for a insurance for a car we didn't even get to drive. Why mislead clients if the car is not available? Very frustratiing and felt cheated

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