Thrifty Car and Van Rental Dundee i Dundee

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThrifty Car and Van Rental Dundee



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Whittle Place, DD2 4US, Dundee, Dundee City, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 333 332 1222
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Latitude: 56.4776455, Longitude: -3.0403381

kommentar 5

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    gail winter


    Never been so angry in my life my daughter and her partner hired a car paid for it on Wednesday which was accepted of my daughters debit card because her partner only had a cash account he was going to be the driver they went down this morning to pick the car up and we're told sorry you can't have it as it was paid of my daughter card and you can't have your money back seriously why take they money ???? Won't be getting left and will be shared all over social media companies can't get away with this .A whole weekend paid in a lodge and they can't get ther thanks to Shifty Thrifty

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    Keeran Vickneson


    I returned a Ford after my rental and was shocked to be told that I had to pay for an extremely minor scratch to the wheel, which did not compromise the integrity of the tyre. I was told that i will also be charged 123 pounds for the "new tyre". Please see attached pictures to understand the "huge damages" the car sustained. The staff were also very rude and derogatory to both my mum and I. I STRONGLY ADVISE TO STAY AWAY FROM THEM

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    Craig Smith


    Fantastic service. Cars and vans of all shapes and sizes with an excellent team of staff!

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    Steven Bannon


    Terrible service car was supposed to be the same as what i drive was sent a 330 msport diesel which i couldnt fit inside and was told theres nothing they could do as theyd delivered what was asked for stay well clear

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    Tony McTighe


    I've been using these on and off for about 10 years, by far the best for miles around. A good selection of cars it's the staff who make this place... keep it up 👍

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