Farringdon i Londyn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeFarringdon


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Londyn EC1M, Wielka Brytania
kontakter telefon: +44
internet side: www.tfl.gov.uk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.5202077, Longitude: -0.1047975

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rodney Walcott


    Thanks for the excellent service and the excellent food 🍲 I have been really impressed and satisfied with service that was delivered by the staff at Nandos and I will recommend it to anyone else.

  • Senderismo En Londres

    Senderismo En Londres


    Estación grande los fines de semana con poco personal para atender las taquillas , en el exterior hay cafetería y sitios para comer

  • en

    James Marney


    Awesome Civil Engineering ...Crossrail!

  • Johnny Vulkan

    Johnny Vulkan


    Works pretty smoothly as Stations go. On the rail side be sure to know if your train has 8 carriages or 12 to avoid the embarrassing jog up the platform when it stops 'surprisingly' short. The number of carriages are displayed on the monitors. The regulars know exactly where the doors are going to be so when its busy join the orderly scrum to make sure you squeeze on.

  • Sara Chessa

    Sara Chessa


    It's easy to find the way for the Hammersmith and City Line when you come off the Thames Link, directions are very clear. The atmosphere is good, it suggests safety and calm. Often crowded between 8 AM and 9 AM.

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