Waterloo East i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeWaterloo East


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Lambeth, London SE1 8TG, UK
kontakter telefon: +44
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Latitude: 51.5041454, Longitude: -0.1088198

kommentar 5

  • en

    Stuart Butcher


    Easy to access. Clean. Sheltered

  • Rajesh Ghosh

    Rajesh Ghosh


    Very nice plash but it is a very buteyafyl

  • Daniel Mckenzie

    Daniel Mckenzie


    Trains are very frequent here, both express and stopper services the like. Accessing London Waterloo is done via a walkway which could do with travelators or a better way to separate the flows of passengers. There are no stairs, instead using ramps down to the platforms which is nice.

  • Tony Sheppard

    Tony Sheppard


    Its a bot of a hike to get from waterloo concorse to the platforms at Waterloo East. Apart from that the station is in need of renovation.

  • en

    Marisa Alexis


    Very central station with lots of connections, so you could be in for a bit of a walk. However, many shops and restaurants. Really well staffed.

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