Fortnum & Mason i London

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Det Forenede KongerigeFortnum & Mason



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181, Piccadilly, W1A 1ER, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7734 8040
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Latitude: 51.5083685, Longitude: -0.1384878

kommentar 5

  • Kristine Carabeo Goodman

    Kristine Carabeo Goodman


    A wonderful place to splurge and have afternoon tea in London! We left there surprisingly full, as they offer you more food after you finish your initial servings. Everything was delicious and the service was great. Afterwards we enjoyed shopping the the stores and the food halls. The prices are definitely expensive, but the quality seems worth it if you are looking to treat yourself or someone else!

  • D.A.



    It is an expensive department store within walking distance to Green Park, the Royal Academy of Arts and The Ritz; so what else can I say about the location? Brilliant! Londoners normally don’t buy here on a regular basis, unless it is a present (gift) or if you are one of the lucky rich ones. The only product I make sure it is in my fridge is the Fortnum & Mason Orange Curd – it is the best.

  • Javier Marin

    Javier Marin


    Incredible tea, cookies and pastry shop. If you enjoy tea this could be the tea lovers heaven, you have there thousands of teas and even you can smell all of them. For sweets lovers, there is an smaller place just right at the entrance where you can find lot of chocolates, truffles and cupcakes. One of the chocolate pastry beside the cupcakes was the best option we tried, we mixed several of them. Is quite expensive, don’t expect cheap deals here, just go for quality goods.

  • en

    dave pelton


    Fantastic department store. A must visit for tourists, locals and workers alike. There is something here for everyone. The food department is probably the most popular place in the store and you can find a present here for just about anybody. If you want to eat here, it can be a bit pricey but a nice thing to do as a one off. All in all, a very unique store that is an essential visit when in London.

  • Oreoluwa George-Taylor

    Oreoluwa George-Taylor


    One of the better afternoon tea experiences in London. High Tea in the Diamond Jubilee Tea Salon was superb. Great range of teas (try as many as you like) and a lovely spread of sweets, and scones (also as much as you want). The savoury starters were delicious. The lobster omelette or the scallops are my recommendation. Staff are helpful and friendly. Service is excellent. Lovely choice for a birthday lunch/Mother’s Day treat, or just an upmarket afternoon catch up with friends.

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