Marks & Spencer Covent Garden i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeMarks & Spencer Covent Garden


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107 - 115, Long Acre, WC2E 9NT, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7240 9549
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.5131375, Longitude: -0.1245586

kommentar 5

  • Esh Amram

    Esh Amram


    I wish their bakery section was larger! But otherwise, it's as good as any M&S.

  • Celine O'Rourke

    Celine O'Rourke


    Large department store and grocery. Staff are friendly and helpful. Very nice experience.

  • Holly Co

    Holly Co


    Shocking for a member of staff to make a personal and offensive statement to me. Went in for a strapless bra only for the woman serving me to be shocked by the size I asked for and tell me “that’s really big” in which she asked if I’d been measured. I had. In one of their stores! And have no size problems with bras since. She proceeded to half look at not even a full section of bras, but one rail in a section she happened to be leaning on, even though I could see many other options and told me they didn’t have anything available in that size. Asked if I had mistaken E cup with A cup! Disgusting. Will not be returning to this store! Whether she agreed with my size looking at me through a coat or not, she should not think it acceptable to make such comments to a stranger, let alone a customer!

  • JohnRichard Hayes

    JohnRichard Hayes


    M&S Wonderful resource in the middle of Covent Garden. Great selection of food, drink and clothes. Staff are always helpful, but does get very busy, especially during the lunch hour. Picked up some amazing bargains in the lead up to Christmas as they had a half price sale. First port of call, when I want to purchase a new shirt, tie etc. Sad, if the rumours are true, that M&S will be closing next year.

  • en

    Agata Runowska


    The food shop is fine, but I usually can't get the bread I like and have to go to another M&S instead. The clothes shop doesn't offer a lot of choice comparing to other M&S stores. For such a good location it should be better.

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