Gorse Hill i Woking

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Det Forenede KongerigeGorse Hill



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Hook Heath Road, GU22 0QF, Woking, Surrey, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1483 747444
internet side: www.gorsehillsurrey.com
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Latitude: 51.3014534, Longitude: -0.5972869

kommentar 5

  • John K Mackie

    John K Mackie


    Down for the evening with work. Fantastic location, really good oms we're great and bathrooms lovely. Evening meal was nice but food and drinks overpriced. Would stay again as long as company was picking up the bill but wouldn't stay if it was out my own pocket.

  • en

    Adrian Lawrence


    A tranquil hotel set in beautiful grounds on the outskirts of Woking. With a personal and cosy feel it's an ideal place for a relaxed getaway and for guests that like a more remote location. I imagine it must be a great choice for corporate and training events, not least because it's in such an easily accessible location. I recently attended a wedding fayre here and was hugely impressed with how attractively the venue was dressed and with the professionalism of the staff. I'm sure a wedding here would be a tremendous success and a most memorable event.

  • en

    Vanessa Palmer


    Had a wonderful overnight stay. Good size clean room, amazing garden, very friendly helpful staff and the variety of food available for breakfast was great too. Will go back there, loved it :)

  • Simon Burgess

    Simon Burgess


    The location is very tucked away on what would be lovely grounds in the summer. It was a little muddy in the car park and some of the lower grounds which is too be expected in winter. I chose the cheapest of the rooms, which was suitable for just one night. If I was staying longer, I probably would have spent a little more on a larger room. The staff were very friendly and helpful. Breakfast in the morning was very nice and fresh. The atmosphere in the bar during the evening, and the dining area in the morning was both very pleasant and relaxing. I would absolutely stay again for my next visit in this direction.

  • Adam Kastein

    Adam Kastein


    A beautiful place! I can only imagine how perfect a wedding would be here! Amazing gardens and romantic interior. Me and my partner stayed for the weekend in the winter. We found it cosy and romantic! We booked a room last minute because the price was so low, that's why we didn't expect it to be so spectacular! We are looking to stay again soon because it's close to where I work and I really don't think there's anywhere better. I actually think we should have booked this venue for our wedding but visited too late. Overall, very impressive place with a lovely dinner menu. Great for impressing your guests for weddings or even a big meeting! Highly recommended, Thanks for reading~ Adam

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