Premier Inn Woking West A324 i Woking

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigePremier Inn Woking West A324



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Bridge Barn Ln, Woking GU21 6NL, Storbritannien
kontakter telefon: +44 871 527 9182
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.316776, Longitude: -0.574005

kommentar 5

  • en

    Carole Hunt


    Spacious comfortable room, clean and the staff were helpful and friendly. No shaver point in room you have to ask for adapter at reception.

  • en

    Greg Lewis


    Warmly welcomed by friendly staff. Quick & efficient booking in. Rooms clean & well kept.

  • en

    Lynne Quinn


    Stayed over new years eve. Had a lovely meal at bridge barn cheaper than getting a taxi there and home again. Would do it again

  • Andrew Scott

    Andrew Scott


    not the best stay in my life time. We visited for the convenience of the pub next door and just to have a relaxing time. The pub was closed (due to a leak or something, Cant be helped but really didn't make the stay very good) Then on returning from the town, the room stunk of sewage to the level where we had to be moved. Very poor service No compensation level in any way for the inconvenience of the pub being closed or the fact that breakfast was served in reception where it was limited and nowhere to sit. Will never visit this place ever again.

  • en

    joanna mulcahy


    Stayed here for a visit to Thorpe park. Just perfect. Room was clean and had everything we needed. Dinner and breakfast at the anointing restaurant was good quality and the service was fine. Have stayed before and received the same good service each time. Easy to locate, plenty of free parking, beautiful setting.

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