Holiday Inn Norwich City i Norwich

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeHoliday Inn Norwich City



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Carrow Road, NR1 1HU, Norwich, Norfolk, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 871 510 1371
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.622216, Longitude: 1.310656

kommentar 5

  • Mohit Pai

    Mohit Pai


    Good service , close to the station and a brilliant place to stay if u are a football fan! Is a bit on the highway so gets a bit tricky to walk! Quite far away from the city center ! The rooms are really good and cosy !

  • en

    Tim Wells


    Very welcoming. Rooms clean & we'll equipped. Good breakfast.

  • en

    Wil Broddle


    Really nice place! Greeted by nice friendly people and the rooms are really nice quality, free WiFi as well and not too far to walk to Riverside where there are a good selection of restaurants. Also it's right next to Norwich football club if your into football

  • Shuaib Shahzan

    Shuaib Shahzan


    Hotel is located very close to the railways station and city centre. Rooms are cozy and comfortable. WiFi and Iron with ironing board available in the room. Does not have fridge and microwave in the rooms. Hotel also has a mini gym.

  • en

    Susan Scott


    Excellent hotel, parking is to the side of the hotel tell them when you book in. Friendly staff, rooms are lovely, spacious and clean, hair and body wash available in the bathroom, hairdryer and iron and ironing board in wardrobe, card for room is needed to turn lights and aircon use the card holder which is by the door, buffet breakfast was good. There is a Morrison's with petrol station just over the road. Great location 30 min walk to city centre or £5 taxi ride, walking distance to lots of chain restaurants, cinema and Wetherspoons. Good comfortable walking shoes needed!! For footie fans level one has great views of the football pitch. Would definitely recommend and we would stay here again.

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