Hotel ibis York Centre i York

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeHotel ibis York Centre


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77, The Mount, YO24 1BN, York, York, GB Vereinigtes Königreich
kontakter telefon: +44 1904 658301
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Latitude: 53.9533379, Longitude: -1.0939371

kommentar 5

  • en

    Arlene Flight


    Just spent a brilliant 3 night stay here. Rooms are very adequate, comfy bed hot shower room was warm. Breakfast was great with lots of choice and staff very friendly. Will definitely stay here again.

  • en

    lisa priestley


    Very small, tight car park, limited spaces. Ended up parking few streets up. Reception staff pleasant. On entering room 3 it smelt fusty and damp. Sash window was filthy on the ledges and we couldn't get it open - only escape if there was a fire. Very basic twin room. Wonder if staff room was adjoining as very animated, noisy women talking Saturday morning from a very early hour (or just guests that woke at the crack of dawn!) FANTASTIC BREAKFAST!! Approx 15 minute walk into the town centre. Just used as a base and we had a wonderful time in beautiful York!

  • en

    jayne mueller


    We stayed in the ibis hotel for 2 nights. First night horrendously noisy guests. Had no sleep. Went and complained. The staff on reception were excellent. They moved us to s quieter area of the hotel, no problem at all. The staff are very pleasant and very helpful. Room clean, but basic. Bed not terribly comfortable. Breakfast very nice. Would stay in a ibis hotel again.

  • Fiona Lean

    Fiona Lean


    Staff at reception & housekeeping were amazing & helpful. Rooms were a good size, heating worked well & heating was good. Walls are thin, so could hear the people around & above me, but if you are a light sleeper, you'd have problems. Bathroom was a good size, however the toilet was low & wobbly. Convenient location to the train station & a 5 min walk into town.

  • Hansueli Baumann

    Hansueli Baumann


    Einfach und gut. Frühstück am Vorabend bestellt 7 £ statt 10£ Kaffee gut. Frühstück reichhaltig. Wassrkocher im Zimmer plus Gratis Tee und Kaffeepulver. Türen schließen etwas lärmig. 10 Min zum Bahnhof. Super für Bahn Traveller.

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