Invicta Hotel i Plymouth

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeInvicta Hotel



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11/12 Osborne Place, Lockyer Street, The Hoe, Plymouth PL1 2PU, UK
kontakter telefon: +44 1752 664997
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.366615, Longitude: -4.1437565

kommentar 5

  • en

    Peter Cannon


    It was a little chilly on my visit and the rooms are tall making them difficult to get warm. The food was fine and well located on the Plymouth seafront.

  • Keeley Pattison

    Keeley Pattison


    Wow!! Fantastic hotel awesome breakfast and lovely staff.

  • Wendy Heathman

    Wendy Heathman


    Its a amazing place to stay right on the hoe . The rooms are very comfortable and very clean the staff are very welcome. Plenty to pick for breakfast the cooked breakfast was lovely 😊

  • en

    Janet Marks


    Clean modern rooms. Very comfortable. Would of been nice to have bottled water in the room and some glasses. The night Porter was very helpful and polite. My boyfriend was leaving the hotel before breakfast at 7.15 on a Sunday so the Porter arrange for him to have a bacon sandwich all wrapped in tinfoil to take with him. Now that's what you call services. We will be coming back again and recommending you to are family and friends.

  • Anthony Fay

    Anthony Fay


    Just woke up from a good night's sleep. Not often I write a review, but feel I have to praise this hotel. Warm welcome, with great staff who are tops in their game. Breakfast perfect 👌. Stayed 3 nights to celebrate my lasses birthday 🎂. Love coming to Plymouth. Hotel is in a perfect position. Don't hesitate about staying here. Will stay again next visit. A great thank you to all. Regards Tony and Connie.

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