King Alfred i Winchester

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeKing Alfred


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11, Saxon Road, SO23 7DJ, Winchester, Hampshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1962 854370
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Latitude: 51.0695757, Longitude: -1.31324

kommentar 5

  • en

    Gail Gilroy


    Such a unique setting. It is a place you must go in and see. The ambiance is wonderful. The food is excellent. The staff are friendly. If you wish to be a resident the rooms are beautifully decorated and cozy. Would hightly recommend this establishment.

  • Callum Jenkins

    Callum Jenkins


    Second time to this beautiful pub. Love the decor and friendly staff with a smile. Great grub as well, defiantly swing past. We also stayed the night, do that as well.

  • Guillaume Cortade

    Guillaume Cortade


    Very nice pub with friendly staff and good clean rooms for the night

  • en

    Michelle Pluck


    Great place. Friendly staff. Had their signature cocktail - was very tasty!

  • en

    Samantha Ward


    Friendly pub, made welcome from the start. Stayed over in one of the small but perfect rooms with great shower in modern bathroom. Nice surprise to find the continental breakfast in our room...which meant a fridge for fresh milk for drinks and a teapot. Didn't eat as we went out but came back for a drink in the very quirky pub. We'd love it as our local.

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