Winchester Royal Hotel i Winchester

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeWinchester Royal Hotel



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Saint Peter Street, SO23 8BS, Winchester, Hampshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 330 102 7242
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Latitude: 51.0636578, Longitude: -1.3149656

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kate Spencer


    The bedroom was a good size as was the bathroom and the bed was comfortable. We stayed in the main part not the newer block. All the staff were excellent. Lovely enclosed garden to sit in. Evening meal was well cooked and presented with a nice selection of food at breakfast. I would highly recommend this hotel.

  • Evelyn Hughes

    Evelyn Hughes


    Lovely hotel. First room we were given was very loud with foot traffic and doors slamming in corridor, but they were happy to move us for the second night and latter room was much better. We both found the pillows very uncomfortable and wished there was some kind of fan or air conditioning, but everything was otherwise comfy. Breakfast was average. We didn't eat at the restaurant otherwise, but did have one drink in the lounge. Selection was somewhat limited and my red wine was honestly undrinkable, but otherwise it was a lovely space to relax and play games in. All of the staff were extremely friendly, helpful and professional. Do be aware of the £10 a night parking charge for guests.

  • en

    James Townson


    If you like playing hide and seek for staff members that look like they have been dragged through hedges, this is the place for you. Just make sure you have nothing planned for the rest of your day because you will still be trying to get your teapot refilled by one of those cheeky hide and go seekers. Paying will be interesting too. Good luck!

  • Paul Deadman

    Paul Deadman


    Good quiet rooms,tea & coffee, espresso, iron with board, hairdryer. Restaurant service bit slow. No ale in bar while I was there, only lagers & ciders. Wetherspoons pub only 2 minutes walk away though. Buffet breakfast which I prefer. Very little vegetables with dinner. Very good river walks not far away.

  • ian grange

    ian grange


    Located in the centre of Winchester it is ideal for those that want a central location. Word of caution here, car parking is limited and not gaurenteed. (We were made aware of this before arrival though). Stayed for two nights, staff were attentive & friendly. Rooms were comfortable and the garden view was pleasing to the eye. Food was above average. Would definitely use again, a good base for a pleasant weekend away.

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