Leicester Square i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeLeicester Square


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Cranbourn St, WC2H 0AP, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 343 222 1234
internet side: tfl.gov.uk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.5114495, Longitude: -0.128186

kommentar 5

  • Kinga Brons

    Kinga Brons


    This energy! And those poor tourists just never know where they are going.

  • en

    Lion Lion


    Very busy place. A lot of singers around. It is easy to find your right way to go.

  • Steve Honest

    Steve Honest


    A great hub in the centre of town . Day and night a lot of stuff to see and hear places to eat cinemas bars and an easy walk to your next spot always full of visitor s but do be 0carful of pickpockets and scammers . A staple place for every visit to London not to be missed.

  • Rajat Basavaraj

    Rajat Basavaraj


    Busy station specially during weekends. Great atmosphere to walk around. Lots of clubbing and pubbing hangouts around the famous soho area.

  • Georgina Brown

    Georgina Brown


    Good sized station but can get very crowded at peak times. Lots of signage and easy to navigate. Friendly and helpful staff.

nærmeste Metrostation

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