Lambeth North London Underground Station i London

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Det Forenede KongerigeLambeth North London Underground Station


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110, Westminster Bridge Road, SE1 7XG, London, Greater London, GB Vereinigtes Königreich
kontakter telefon: +44 343 222 1234
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.4989104, Longitude: -0.112069

kommentar 5

  • en

    Raquel Sanchez


    Nice not crowded good quality my favourite station in London

  • darren cummins

    darren cummins


    Loved the old days decor.a proper station.

  • Nonexistent



    It's not as rundown anymore as it used to be a few years ago at least

  • john howitt

    john howitt


    One of the ‘south of the river’ tube stations. No escalator but a lift but don’t get too excited as after the lift there is a flight of stairs down to the train which makes one wonder why there is a disabled access gate at the entrance. Externally the station is pretty in parts but has been marred by the addition of bland bad concrete panels and window fittings that look like they came from an end of year sale at Wickes in 1957. One stop south is the Elephant and Castle and one north is Waterloo. The station is billed as access to the Imperial War museum but that august institution is a brisk 10 to 15 walk away. Interestingly the building to the left of the station were originally MI5 offices where Ian Fleming worked and now, allegedly, contain Kevin Spacey and Craig David.

  • Daniel Mckenzie

    Daniel Mckenzie


    No step free access despite the Imperial War Museum being nearby. Other than that, it's a very small and compact tube station with good bus links outside and frequent running trains.

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