Waterloo Underground Station i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeWaterloo Underground Station


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York Road, SE1 7ND, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 343 222 1234
internet side: tfl.gov.uk
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Latitude: 51.5034117, Longitude: -0.1134327

kommentar 5

  • Alex Ratford

    Alex Ratford


    Very old underground station. Really needs an upgrade - it's very hot in summer and very cold in winter. It's also one of the busiest, I try and avoid it at peak times wherever possible. However, the staff are always helpful and the signage is very clear.

  • Malitha Pathirana

    Malitha Pathirana


    One of an very Attractive location for tourist . Nice architectural design

  • en

    Kamil Turecek


    Smooth and easy travelling via this hub, make sure you are on time.

  • en

    Wladimir Albuja


    It was a wet and miserable day. I really wanted to see the Thames. So I took the bus to Euston (stop A) and I saw the BFI, the Thames and Somerset house.

  • Jennifer Longhurst

    Jennifer Longhurst


    . Great, fast, easy - but please stand on the right on the escalators! You can tell the foreign tourists and the people up from the provinces. :-) Not just because they huddle around the wall maps, or are peering at the tiny Underground map in their London guidebook. But because they stand two abreast on the escalators, preventing other people from passing them on the left! Or even worse - stand with a big suitcase next to them . . . Please stand on the right. This is the rule - and clearly signed - in nearly all the underground stations - stand on the right, to allow others to pass. If you have a large bag or case - put it in front of you, so that others can pass. The exception is Holborn station, there people stand on both sides and nobody passes. So having got that point of etiquette across, travelling via the underground is fast and cheap. Much faster and cheaper than by taxi. But it is also much hotter . . . few of the trains and no stations have air-conditioning. A fan and a bottle of water are therefore always useful. Happy travelling!

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