Macdonald Tickled Trout Hotel i Samlesbury

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Det Forenede KongerigeMacdonald Tickled Trout Hotel



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Preston New Road, PR5 0UJ, Samlesbury, Lancashire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 344 879 9053
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Latitude: 53.7652932, Longitude: -2.6408633

kommentar 5

  • en

    Richard Kemp


    Convenient location close to the motorway network. Rooms clean and tidy. Staff very helpful.

  • Jamie Milligan

    Jamie Milligan


    Check in took a very long time and after waiting for almost 15 minutes the receptionist ignored us and answered the phone and had us wait longer. The room is pleasent although the toilet is squeezed between the sink and wall, this would make it very difficult for a larger than average person to use. We had to request that the bathroom floor was cleaned after we checked in as it appeared that this hadn't been done from all the hairs. The rooms are plesent and views are brilliant. The steakhouse was nice, fries recommended over the handcut chips.

  • en

    Manor Farm Poultry


    Fantastic visit. Table reserved outside on the terrace, food was excellent and the staff were fantastic, friendly and efficient. Highly recommend this place.

  • Alan Rait

    Alan Rait


    Was there today on a corporate event. All good. Catered, was good. Car park is small.

  • Kieran Sunderland

    Kieran Sunderland


    I only visited the restaurant area so this review is based purely on that. The atmosphere is very pleasant, a little Starbucks café like in style with a touch of a British pub as there was a picture of a cow on the wall & other decorations of that nature. It appears to attract business type customers as I looked around & most were dressed for a board meeting & a few had their laptops out. The one staff member that I spoke to was well mannered & kind as she offered to go & get me a plate as my chips came in a tin type holder. The food is very expensive with it costing £3 for water, £4 for straight cut chips & around £15 a meal. For cost alone I definitely won't return but it was nice to try somewhere new (even if I did only buy the hand cut chips for £5 which were nice).

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