Mercure Gloucester Bowden Hall Hotel i Upton St. Leonards

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Det Forenede KongerigeMercure Gloucester Bowden Hall Hotel


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Bondend Road, GL4 8ED, Upton St. Leonards, Gloucestershire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 844 815 9077
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Latitude: 51.8339979, Longitude: -2.1883601

kommentar 5

  • en

    sandeep kaur


    Wonderful hotel and staff, location is beautiful and this is our second stay here. Would recommend highly. Lovely food as well.

  • en

    Julie Cook


    Very pleasant welcome on what appeared to be the reception desk. Room was big and spacious with an over king sized bed and table and chairs. T. V was modern and in the right place to view it. Room was very warm but we could open the window or use the efficient air conditioning. We had a view over the garden and Lake. Breakfast was good buffet and also cooked selection. Hotel is in its own large grounds. If you don't want to eat here you will need to go at least 10 minutes in the car. There are no shops in the large village. Would not say it is 4 star as advertised.

  • en

    Binoy Dharsi


    Great overnight stay with a tasty breakfast. Room was spacious and clean. Service was very good. Topper off by great eggs and delicious sausages.

  • en

    Rachael Morgan


    Excellent WI ladies luncheon. Nothing was too much trouble. Staff perfect. Helpful and pleasant. Most impressive. Second time we have been there and perfection each time. I took my husband there for his birthday in the evening. Scrumptious. Archie Fox is so helpful and his staff are simply great.

  • en

    Tara Steel


    Lovely setting, really helpful and friendly staff and very good value for money. We had a 2 night break package. Visited here a few years ago and since then the hotel has had a facelift and is now very modern yet comfy.

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