Milford Hall Hotel & Spa i Salisbury

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Det Forenede KongerigeMilford Hall Hotel & Spa



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206, Castle Street, SP1 3TE, Salisbury, Wiltshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1722 417411
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Latitude: 51.0746386, Longitude: -1.7966216

kommentar 5

  • en

    Diane Fox


    Nice clean hotel. Very welcoming staff, but I think it very wrong that the paying customer is not given a choice about the temperature of their room. Myself and my mother were far too hot. As soon as I arrived at our room I questioned this at reception. I asked if the heat was natural as I felt as though some sort of heating was on even though the thermostat was set to zero. He said it was natural. Was very hot all night and the bathroom was to too hot in the morning. Spoke to reception again in the morning (someone different). She explained that as the weather is still cold, the hotel overrides all the rooms thermostats and a constant heat is in all rooms. I am very disappointed by this. It actually ruined our stay. As a paying customer, surely we should be allowed our own personal choice with regard to the temperature of our room? I have sinus and dry eye problems, so the last thing I need is a warm/hot room during the night.

  • Anna Chapman

    Anna Chapman


    The Milford hotel is lovely and clean, my room was very comfortable. The staff were friendly and helpful. The parking is a great bonus. Breakfast was delicious - but would be better if it was available earlier for business travellers.

  • en

    Craig Peart


    Clean and pleasant, welcoming staff. I've only eaten breakfast here so I can't comment on dinner. The only gripe I have is that each time I've stayed, there are only twin rooms available. I much prefer a double bed, but I would recommend this place.

  • Paul Goodwin

    Paul Goodwin


    Second visit in 7 years. Doesn't seem to have changed much. Food good especially the breakfasts. Room comfortable and staff friendly. Bars didn't offer much choice in beer but not the end of the world.

  • Brian O'Hanlon

    Brian O'Hanlon


    Background; I visited here in Feb 2018 for a weekend getaway. Pros; Super friendly and helpful staff, good food (i liked my dinner, my wife LOVED her dinner), centrally located, parking available, not excessively priced. Cons; Gym only opens at 9am and closes early. No pizza in the restaurant (Milan versus Naples style Italian). Some of the furnishings are ugly. The blue beed flower vases add nothing. The tea light center pieces are much nicer. Verdict; I would visit again.

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