The Chapter House i Salisbury

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Chapter House


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9-13, Saint John's Street, SP1 2SB, Salisbury, Wiltshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1722 341277
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Latitude: 51.0660709, Longitude: -1.793344

kommentar 5

  • Andy Hill

    Andy Hill


    Awesome gastro pub. Charming atmosphere . Staff are friendly and welcoming. Great menu offerings. Good portion sizes even those with a hearty appetite will struggle to eat the whole....extremely competitively priced considering the quality and size of the portions. This venue is great for couples and groups. Well worth the visit

  • Mark Arnold

    Mark Arnold


    Busy, lively venue, serving decent food. Dealt with our large group well, although we had pre-ordered our food so they had an advantage. Chips let the meal down and the curry is quite a small portion compared to their roast (which did look amazing). Children's meals were huge.

  • en

    Andrew Loader


    If you like a steak, you'll love this place. If you don't like steak (is that even possible :) ?) you'll still love it! All staff are friendly and knowledgeable. Nothing is too much trouble. The food is fantastic, we've been back 4 times in the last 4 weeks and every time it's been brilliant. Can't wait for our next visit to try something else from the excellent menu, accompanied by some of the great East Coast IPA of course.

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    Sue Fletcher


    Fabulous fresh prawn cocktail and amazing rib eye steak. Quality is excellent. Steak was like butter and the portion sizes were generous. Wine was excellent. Definitely worth another visit. Service was super, nothing too much trouble for our waiter.

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    Rebecca Schultz


    nice staff and rooms good. But they are in an annexe. There was a lot of noise around 3am outside my room and it’s pretty creepy if getting up early in the morning and having to leave through their courtyard area....the pub looked super though. Think I would return for the pub, prob not the hotel....but that’s just because I’m not keen on annexes. I like to be in the heart of a hotel. Very quirky though with beautiful old beams...

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