Legacy Rose & Crown Hotel i Salisbury

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Det Forenede KongerigeLegacy Rose & Crown Hotel


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Harnham Road, SP2 8JQ, Salisbury, Wiltshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 844 411 9046
internet side: www.legacy-hotels.co.uk
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Latitude: 51.0599025, Longitude: -1.7974645

kommentar 5

  • Peila Silvie

    Peila Silvie


    I was impressed with the view at this hotel. Our room were overlooking the river and Salisbury Cathedral. Located in a quiet area, this hotel has won my heart. The room was clean and spacious, the bathroom was fairly new and spotless. There was a mini coffee machine in each room. Loved the breakfast area which was located just beside the river and we can see ducks swimming around. To sum up, I had a pleasant stay in this hotel.

  • James Landragin

    James Landragin


    Hotel is so nice... We stayed in the cardinal room which is such a nice old style room which is so nice great bathroom too!! The food was excellent and the staff super friendly and they couldn't be more helpful!! The outside seating area by the river is fantastic the views are great!! I recommend this hotel

  • patrick griffin

    patrick griffin


    Nice hotel on the water's edge and a very pleasant walk to the cathedral. Our room was the "beer cellar" and have everything you would expect from a four star hotel. Shower was nice and hot, TV was a decent size, bed was comfortable, room service if you require it. Included continental breakfast was substantial although they try to get you to "upgrade" to a full breakfast! Only stayed one night but would recommend.

  • en

    Andrej Zacharenkov


    A very lovely hotel. The room is spacious, very clean. Nice selection of coffee, tea, hot chocolate next to the kettle. The reception girl was very welcoming and friendly. A very good quality for the price.

  • Matthew Gannon

    Matthew Gannon


    We liked this hotel. There are a few areas that could use a lick of paint, and re-wallparering. The TV could certainly do with being updated but the beds were comfortable, the room was relatively clean (bar the tops of the pictures, tut tut) and and the staff are super friendly. Bathroom was modern enough and a must for me is a good shower, which our room had. I noticed some people weren't happy with a car park view in some reviews; but it meant I could see the car, which is fine by me. Good views can be had from the restaurant/bar. I'd certainly stay here again for the rates.

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