Spire House i Salisbury

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeSpire House



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84, Exeter Street, SP1 2SE, Salisbury, Wiltshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1722 339213
internet side: www.salisbury-bedandbreakfast.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.0652326, Longitude: -1.7934773

kommentar 5

  • en

    Darren Webb


    Amazing period room (the sophisticated room), really clean and quiet. Brilliant continental breakfast and you also get an afternoon cake each for when you get home from exploring Salisbury! Lovely hosts who make sure everything is perfect - highly recommended!

  • en

    philip blackmore


    Recently stayed at Spire House, what a treat! nice view of guess what?! so close to everything, will definitely try & stay there again if the 'No vacancies; sign is not up! Lovely service, beautifully decorated & clean, everything you need including delicious cake delivered fresh to your door! lovely hosts. Thankyou Spire House love Marcus & Jan.

  • Paula McGee

    Paula McGee


    Warm, quite, comfortable B&b with friendly staff. Lovely stay and even gluten free toast for breakfast.

  • michael rodway

    michael rodway


    Great position, quirky rooms, relaxed atmosphere, great view of Cathedral thanks Claire Rodway and Hamish Brown

  • en

    A Google User


    Spire House was very comfortable and charming with its view of the street-- like peeking into the heart of Salisbury. (I noticed that schoolboys don't wear caps any more!) The location couldn't be more convenient for the cathedral or for pubs and restaurants. Excellent breakfasts, tea-makings always available, and Lois is a peach. We took the footpath to Old Sarum, which was fascinating and beautiful. The path is not at all challenging but is not well-marked either, so you just keep heading toward the highest point you can see. The walk through the watermeadows was also very enjoyable.

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