Mercure White Hart Hotel i Salisbury

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeMercure White Hart Hotel


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1, Saint John's Street, SP1 2SD, Salisbury, Wiltshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1962 312801
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.0667944, Longitude: -1.7934506

kommentar 5

  • Simon J. Widlo

    Simon J. Widlo


    Stayed in a Privilege room on the 1st floor. Excellent bed and bathroom, slept great. Breakfast in the morning was full of choice in very comfortable surroundings. Only niggle: there’s a nightclub 2 mins walk away.

  • en

    Scott Garland


    The hotel room was nice and the breakfast was also good. Front reception staff very nice and polite but the same can't be said for the bar staff

  • Stacy LeCocq

    Stacy LeCocq


    Good location and close to bars and restaurants in Salisbury. Breakfast is nice and rooms are comfortable.

  • en

    Maureen Porter


    Went for Easter Day lunch which was quite superb. Food delicious, service excellent, good value and pleasant surroundings. Best of all , no background music!

  • Stefan Nubert

    Stefan Nubert


    Good location and friendly staff. Parking good as well. Dropped in to stay on a Friday night for a work event nearby. The hotel is a bit 'old fashioned' in terms of decor but this isn't an issue. My only slight complaint is the sound proofing isn't great for the rooms that overlook the road out front, I found the noise from outside fairly loud but also there was an event in the hotel that evening on the ground floor that was quite audible.

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