Minamoto Kitchoan i London

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Det Forenede KongerigeMinamoto Kitchoan



🕗 åbningstider

448, Strand, WC2R 0QU, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 3490 4747
internet side: www.kitchoan.co.uk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.5091059, Longitude: -0.1254425

kommentar 5

  • en

    Horacio RC


    It´s like being in Ginza - Tokyo, absolutely wonderful atmosphere and cakes. A must for all Londoners who love japanese culture.

  • Chris N.

    Chris N.


    2 locations of Minamoto kitchoan un London: Strand and Picadilly. This one is Strand. Delicious and authentic Japanese specialties.

  • Vassilis Ipsilantis

    Vassilis Ipsilantis


    A great and unique shop in London. High quality sweet made with the traditional Japanese way. The selection is amazing. You can buy beautiful present arangememt. There is a small corner where you can have a bite too! !!!! The colors and the atmosphere of this shop together with the extremely polite people working in it will give you the real feeling of Japanese culture. You just have to experience the visit of this small London gem!!!!

  • Goaltender Interference

    Goaltender Interference


    Delicious, high quality, authentic fresh Japanese mochis, which are the best desserts in the world. The staff were incredibly friendly, keeping our travel bag safe when we forgot it in the store! London/Tokyo prices and well worth it.

  • Tosin Salisu

    Tosin Salisu


    This place is quite lovely with very polite staff. The Japanese rice cakes sold here are wonderful. The bean snack is really nice as well. This place has a varied selection of Japanese sweets. A must visit for those who love Japanese confectionary!

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