Upper Crust i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeUpper Crust



🕗 åbningstider

1, Strand, WC2N 5NG, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7839 5484
internet side: uppercrust.uk.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.5079038, Longitude: -0.1251464

kommentar 3

  • en

    Emma Jones-Davies


    Chicken Caesar baguette. Appalling sandwich - had 5 bites before I tasted any filling and the bread was dry and frankly ghastly. Never again. £9. Something for a horrible baguette, cup of coffee and bag of crisps. Serves me right for not leaving enough time to go to Pret at Victoria. Don’t waste your money!

  • en

    Ross Dorow


    If you're interested in standing any chance whatsoever in catching a train I would avoid this place. They clearly have no idea what it means to run a business. Pathetic.

  • Zachary Decent

    Zachary Decent


    Probably the worst place to get food in the area The staff here are absolutely miserable. The queue moves at a snail's pace because they don't do thing with any speed, or in any logical order... and the two girls that work there look like they hate their lives. The food selection is terrible, and what little they do have is tasteless as boring. The chain ran a £1 lunch meal deal on a Monday, supposedly to encourage new customers. I can safely say that I, as well as most of the other people I encounter in the needlessly long unmoving queue - would avoid this uppercrust as well as probably most other stores in the brand, following the awful service and products on offer here. Even a pound seems like too much to pay. Why you would choose to offer a deal to encourage trying the worst and most boring meal in your selection anyway escapes me... What a terrible store, and a terrible business decision. People still go as it's the cheapest food in the area, but expect a massive drop in sales after the offer ends!!!

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