Novotel York Centre Hotel i York

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeNovotel York Centre Hotel


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Fishergate, YO10 4FD, York, York, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 113 396 9004
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Latitude: 53.952513, Longitude: -1.07788

kommentar 5

  • en

    Angela Wilson


    Lovely hotel. The room was very clean and the staff are friendly. We checked in quickly and the cleaners were happy to provide us with extra tea n coffee for our room. There is even a couple of free console games which is a great hit for the kids. It's just a shame the men having a function here have little respect for the young ones playing the game by constantly walking in front of it!!

  • Pete Monteiro

    Pete Monteiro


    Overall good for a two night stay. Easy walk for central York and the sightseeing bus tour. Room reception and breakfast room clean and nicely decorated. Pool area quite dirty, I think because several guests ignored a small sign stating they should remove out door shoes. Also be aware there is a limit to how many can be in the pool at once so you may need to join a waiting list at reception. Breakfast good but expect to join a waiting list in reception at the busier times.

  • en

    Matina Panagiari


    Very nice rooms, recently refurbished, and really good bed mattress. They have bathrooms for disabled people in some rooms which is good. Our bathroom though was not cleaned very well - the toilet and the bathtub - and there was not much pressure in the shower. Bar constantly open which is quite good as well. Staff is very friendly and polite but not well organized. Breakfast was quite average in taste and variety. Would expect more from a 4 star hotel.

  • en

    Dannielle Compton


    Had a wonderful stay at this hotel. The staff were welcoming, helpful and lovely- both on the desk and behind the bar. Our room was stunning and very comfortable. Great location for the center too. We will definitely be staying again.

  • Ana Villarragut Catalan

    Ana Villarragut Catalan


    Muy bien situado

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