Patisserie Valerie i Norwich

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigePatisserie Valerie



🕗 åbningstider

12-14, Davey Place, NR2 1PQ, Norwich, Norfolk, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1603 615786
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Latitude: 52.6285132, Longitude: 1.294304

kommentar 5

  • Evan Keane

    Evan Keane


    As PVs go this one seems ok. Not amazing, not bad, hence why I think 3 stars is about right. Staff friendly. Got a ridiculously massive portion of porridge that I couldn't finish!

  • Mike Waters

    Mike Waters


    High quality pastries.. just a bit pricey.. 4 cakes for £11 😮

  • en

    Miss Lane


    Coffee was lovely HOWEVER staff service is poor and my Danish pastry was rock soild it was definitely not fresh! I asked a manager when it was cooked and he told me they are brought in from outside! Absolute shock that they don't even cooked something simply as a pastry in house. No wonder it didn't taste right.

  • Andy Allsopp

    Andy Allsopp


    Good range of cakes and sweet treats, but its the coffee that keeps me coming back. Sweet and bright, with deep chocolate undertones, the 100% Arabica blend (60% Brazil / 40% Colombia) is about the finest you'll find in Norwich.

  • Rachel Lloyd

    Rachel Lloyd


    If there's more than 2 of you, I would book a table. The afternoon tea is really nice and I would recommend! They also have a kids menu.

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