Playboy Club London i London

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Det Forenede KongerigePlayboy Club London



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14, Old Park Lane, W1K 1ND, London, Greater London, GB Storbritannien
kontakter telefon: +44 20 3504 7972
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Latitude: 51.504662, Longitude: -0.149412

kommentar 5

  • Danny Nevill

    Danny Nevill


    Excellent exclusive venue. Fantastic restaurant, great casino and overall a brilliant atmosphere / overall experience. Situated between the highly regarded Hilton Hotel Park Lane and the first ever Hard Rock Cafe, you could enjoy all 3 experiences within very close proximity of one another. The Playboy Club is a first class venue. Being well dressed and groomed is certainly expected. I won't spoil all of the surprises. Enjoy!!

  • 360 Business Photographer - Simon Sadek

    360 Business Photographer - Simon Sadek


    Attended a few private events here at The Tale bar which is part of Playboy Club leading to casino and other areas through. Very professional team on hand with a fantastic service throughout. Drinks food and service is high end as one would expect being a high class venue.

  • Ross Humphries

    Ross Humphries


    Always happy to go hear and even happier if I leave with dome money.

  • en

    Ricardo Hunte


    I've been going to the Playboy Club for a while and each time has been great - Steve Sutherland plays great music which you can really enjoy. The staff are always welcoming and very helpful. Its also in a nice location - very easy to get to. If you don't want to drive, they have a car service where they park your car for you. So you don't have to going looking for spaces nearby. The only downside is you have to get there a tad early as it does get very packed when Steve Sutherland is playing.



    the playboy club a long establish nightspot in london very famous venues great fun unless a rabbit steals ya lemonade and ya sell ya gift else were because of it especially when u was invited in person I demand a bunny line up strip search looking for stolen lemonade look at your stats from me rabbits This photo has helped people over 20,000 times. Thanks for adding such a great shot to Google Maps.

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