Premier Inn Swansea City Centre i Swansea

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigePremier Inn Swansea City Centre



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Salubrious Place, Wind Street, SA1 1EE, Swansea, Swansea, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 871 527 9060
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.6188942, Longitude: -3.9385221

kommentar 5

  • Melly Kennedy

    Melly Kennedy


    Perfect place to enjoy Swansea. Right in centre with shops and bars within walking distance. The mumbles is only a short drive away.

  • en

    Lisa Melia


    Good location friendly staff nice restaurant for breakfast. Nice room

  • O to the C to the P

    O to the C to the P


    Budget it may be but it performed its budgetary duty with aplomb. Friendly staff, clean room, climate control and a breakfast that kept on giving. The bed was very comfortable and the shower was powerful and hot. This particular Premier Inn was smack bang in the middle of pretty much everything, no need to phone a taxi and I could even see the car from the hotel room (I wasn't paying for the view). Would definitely book again. .

  • en

    traveller dave


    Rooms the same as most other premier inn's so clean and comfortable at a reasonable price point. As always, not enough ingredients for more than one cup of coffee which is a big issue when you are a couple and have travelled any distance. On this visit we happened to encounter a few little problems (room keys not working, car park card not activated etc) but they all seemed to have the one staff member as the cause so not really a premier inn problem. Lastly, if you stay here bear in mind that the Wetherspoons a few doors up do a nice breakfast for less money. Enjoy.

  • Hernan Subirats

    Hernan Subirats


    Hotel molt cèntric al costat del carrer on es concentren molts bars i restaurants. Tot i així hi ha molta seguretat de nit i les habitacions són molt tranquil·les i espaioses. El personal és molt atent i amable. Habitualment esmorzem a l'hotel. Un esmorzar molt variat i amb qualitat suficient pel preu que té. Molt recomanable per a la visita a Swansea.

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